Is There Life After the End of a Long Marriage?

One man's journey to find a new life after the break-up of a marriage of more then 20 years.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Back to The Present...

In my usual meandering style I will depart for a few lines from this text, which I fear, is beginning to resemble a travelogue. Let’s turn for a moment to the present. As a little personal history, I am currently living in big old Victorian house that I retained after our split. We had three houses in all. Two of which my ex kept as part of our settlement. I know it doesn’t sound quite fair until you know that the house that I got has a total equity greater than the other two combined. It was a good decision for her too being that the other two are considerably newer and much less maintenance intensive.

The point now really is that a two-story, five-bedroom house is a lot more space than a single guy needs. Not only is it a lot of work to keep up and more costly to heat in the winter, (it was built in 1906), but also most of the time I rattle around in it like a pea in a shoebox. It is a grand old house situated across the street from a beautiful park, in a great historic neighborhood. I however, having re-tasted the pleasures and excitement of world travel again, have decided to put the old homestead on the market. If, with any luck, I sell it for my asking price, I will net around $125,000 to aid me in starting over on a slightly less grand scale. I am currently constructing a blog to advertise the house with pictures, location and descriptions. When it’s finished I will post the URL in the near future for the curious among you.

I hadn’t intended for this blog to digress into a dating site extolling my virtues as a potential boyfriend, but what the hell! If after reading my posts you feel you know me a bit, (and that doesn’t scare you away), and feel that you would like to get to know me even better, feel free to drop me an email and we’ll get better acquainted. Perhaps we may find that we have more in common than a love of travel and an intimate knowledge of strippers and the surreal world of adult entertainment. I am sure that I am not so one-dimensional that we couldn’t find more than that in common.

I will pick up part 8 in my next post… I hope all of you have a great Labor Day holiday.
D.A. Wright, 12:47 AM


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